Auxiliary Unit 327 Officers for 2024 – 2025

President:  Mary Ann Moore
Duties: The Unit President must be an able and qualified leader, for she represents the Auxiliary in her community, and its success or failure depends largely upon her. She should act in a supervisory capacity, be familiar with the duties of all officers and committee chairmen and encourage and inspire them in their work. It is the responsibility of the President to see that all offices are supplied with all available information and material from Department and National Headquarters for efficient promotion of their various activities. The Unit President has many duties. She should preside at all meetings of the Unit and the Unit Executive Committee; require strict adherence to the Constitution, Bylaws and rule and regulations established by the National and Department Convention, National and Department Executive Committees and the Unit itself; appoint members of standing committees and create such other committees as are necessary; appoint all non-elected officers, and perform all duties which are assigned to her office.

1st Vice President:  Rose Huff
Duties: The Vice President is given the responsibility, with the President, for complete development of the Unit program. The Vice President should be prepared to preside at meetings in the absence of the President.

2nd Vice President:  Sandy Paida
Duties: The 2nd Vice President shall assume and discharge the duties of the office of Vice President in the absence or disability of the Vice President, or when called upon by the Unit President.

Secretary: Nancy Thomas
Duties: The duties of the Unit Secretary are administrative, and she occupies a pivotal position around which all the activities of the Unit revolve, she should be efficient and well-informed on all phases of the Unit, Department and National activities and requirements and be capable of giving authentic information on organization matters. The secretary makes a record of all business transacted at each meeting and of the executive board and presents her minutes for approval at the next meeting.

Treasurer: Carol Plough
Duties: The Unit Treasurer should handle all Unit funds, collect dues from members and make remittances of Department and National dues and special funds to Department Headquarters monthly. A simplified accounting system has been designed for Unit use, and a set of these books can be obtained from National Headquarters at a small cost. An efficient Unit Treasurer is essential to the smooth functioning of the Unit.

Chaplain: Patty DeWitte
Duties: The Unit chaplain shall be charged with the spiritual welfare of the Unit comrades and will offer divine but nonsectarian service in the event of dedications, funerals, public functions, etc., adhere to such ceremonial rituals as are recommended by the national or Department headquarters from time to time.

Sergeant at Arms: Vivian Costanza
Duties: The Sergeant-At-Arms is the sentinel or tiler (the outer guard of this unit) and will especially guard against the loss of The Auxiliary’s greatest possessions – our deep and abiding spirit of comradeship. You will learn the identity and introduce to the President all visiting comrades and guests of the Unit. Into your hands is given the charge of the stand of colors which you will properly display at all Unit meetings and on ceremonial occasions.

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Peter Sterling Smith American Legion Post 327